Course Information Year 2 Courses: Derm/Heme/Musculoskeletal

The Dermatology/Hematology/Musculoskeletal (DHM) course provides an integrated problem-based approach to understanding the pathophysiologic basis of dermatologic, hematologic and musculoskeletal disorders as well as the pharmacological rationale for their therapy. Material is introduced in a stepwise fashion beginning with normal organ-specific anatomy, biochemistry, and physiology, and progressing to the pathophysiology, clinical features and treatment of representative disorders. The course is introductory and as such is not intended to present the topics in exhaustive detail. Instead emphasis will be placed on an understanding of the basic functions of these organ systems and the ways in which abnormal (pathologic) processes lead abnormal function and disease. The learning material will consist of expert lectures, facilitator-managed small group sessions, textbook reading assignments, and computer-based instructional materials. Active participation in small group sessions is required to pass this course.

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