Course Information Year 1 Courses: Gross Anatomy & Radiology: Overview

Goals: Gross Anatomy and Radiology (GAR) is an 8 week long course and runs concurrently with the Practice of Medicine Course (POM) in Module One. Because GAR is the first basic science course presented in the curriculum, its prime goal is to provide the students with a basic understanding of the gross anatomy and radiology of the entire body which will serve as a solid foundation for the remainder of the student’s medical education and future profession. Second, this course was designed to alert the student to the clinical relevance of anatomy for the diagnosis of clinical disorders. It will further promote the development of student-directed problem solving skills, while encouraging team work. As a side benefit, this course will introduce the student to the majority of nearly 10,000 terms commonly used in medicine today and will provide foundations for the correct language in descriptive anatomy. In addition the course will provide basic anatomy-physiology correlations. The anatomic knowledge learned in this course will be reinforced in later organ system blocks.

Anatomy Laboratory: The laboratory experience will consist of several highly interactive, small group activities designed to integrate structure identification with anatomical relationships and clinical significance. At least 40% of the scheduled time for the course will be devoted to a dissection lab (four, two hour sessions per week). Students, working in teams of four or five, will dissect the entire body by anatomical regions. The understanding of anatomical relationships will be reinforced with the use of cross-sectional, radiographic and computed imagery. In addition, students will be introduced to the medical concept of “anatomical variations”. To accent the clinical significance of the dissections, students will be guided by invited specialists in recognizing common pathology found on the cadavers.

Lectures: Approximately four anatomy and two radiology lectures will be offered weekly to the entire class as learning resources. In general, speakers will be encouraged to structure the contents of their lectures around challenging clinical scenarios aimed at stimulating active student participation. Lectures will typically be overviews, with emphasis on concepts rather than being overly detailed. Radiology lectures will also stress the value of modern sectional imaging techniques.

PBL: This course will also incorporate the interactive problem-based learning concept. There will be three small group sessions each week ranging from 1 to 2 hours in length. In general, each week will begin with the presentation of a clinical case. Students, working in groups of nine or ten, and under the guidance of faculty facilitators, will determine the learning objectives for each case and actively work to resolve the case(s) by the end of the week. These activities will further emphasize the relevance of anatomy on clinical practice and will hopefully demonstrate to the student the need for continuous medical education as future physicians. There will be a wrap-up session by an expert faculty at the end of each case.

Self-Study: Significant blocks of time are unscheduled each day for independent, self-directed use of educational materials such as videotaped demonstrations, practice exams, interactive software, the Internet, and text books.

Assessment: Student performance on all activities will result in an accumulation of points which will determine the student’s Fail/Pass/High Pass/Honors status for the course. Depending on the activity, the points awarded will be based on student participation/preparedness and test scores. No-stakes, practice, computer-based exams will be available for students to test their progress. High-stakes, midterm and final tests will be given in the form of laboratory practicals and written exams. Class rankings are NOT reported at the end of the course, only the grade category for each student (Pass, Fail, etc.).

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Captured on May the Fourth, 2021