Gastrointestinal/Nutrition: Week 5

Course Information Year 2 Courses: Gastro-Intestinal/Nutrition

Pathophysiology of the Liver, Nutrition

See Blackboard (Content>Lecture Materials or Content> Lab Materials) for Weekly Objective and PowerPoint slides.

Boards and Beyond - Suggested

List of Boards and Beyond Videos along with length

Note: If you are logged into Board and Beyond, these links should go directly to the video.

This Week:  196 minutes total




Lecture 21 - Minerals & Micronutrients

Lecture 22 - General Liver Pathology

Lecture 23 - Infectious Hepatitis

Lecture 24 - Metabolic Storage Disorders

Lab Readings

For the following, read Synonyms, General Discussion, Signs & Symptoms, and Causes.
Disregard sections on Affected Populations, Related Disorders, and Therapies

Enrichment Readings - Metabolic Storage Disease and Nutrition

Lysosomal Storage Diseases

Glycogen Storage Disease Type I

Glycogen Storage Disease Type II (Pompe Disease)

Glycogen Storage Disease Type III

Glycogen Storage Disease Type V


Fabry Disease

Gaucher Disease

Niemann-Pick (Acid Sphingomyelinase Deficiency)

Tay-Sachs Disease (Hexosaminidase A Deficiency)

Other Metabolic Storage Disease Readings

Enrichment Readings - Hemochromatosis and Metabolic Diseases of the Liver


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