Course Information Year 1 Courses: Neuroscience and Human Behavior


There is an average of 7 lectures per week; these will present broad overviews of material which cannot be easily derived from other sources or topics which are conceptually difficult to understand.

Small group tutorials

Groups of 8-9 students will meet for an 4-6 hours per week (five weeks involve 3 days with 2-hour sessions (i.e., 6 h/week) and three weeks involve 2 days with 2 hour sessions (i.e., 4 h/week) to discuss as a group a clinical case in the problem based format (PBL) format. In addition the whole class will meet in a one 1-hour wrap-up session with a clinician to ask questions regarding the case. The small group sessions also have a unique team-based learning (TBL) component.

Laboratory groups

The whole class will meet in the gross anatomy laboratory for an average of 4 hours per week for 5 sessions during which they will watch live video demonstrations by neurosurgeons and neuropathologists, the students will also examine as a small group wet whole brains, brain slices and radiological materials illustrating normal and pathologic neuroanatomy. In addition students will carry out brain dissections under faculty guidance to familiarize themselves with the 3-D organization of the brain.

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Captured on May the Fourth, 2021