Course Information Year 1 Courses: Pathobiology & Host Defense

The Major Basic Science disciplines covered in the Pathobiology and Host Defense Course include Pathology, Microbiology and Immunology. The course provides the necessary introductory background for each topic so that each students knowledge base can be expanded upon during the organ system part of the curriculum.

The lectures, small group sessions and laboratories are generally initiated with a clinical situation. Each student will be encouraged to: develop life-long learning habits, function as a team to construct differential diagnoses and develop an understanding of applicable basic science concepts underlying clinical disease states. We will help students sharpen observational skills, organize sets of data to support differential diagnoses and/or pathogenetic sequences, differentiate normal from abnormal organs, grossly and microscopically, develop a system for categorizing general pathologic processes that underlie diseases in all of the organ systems and outline and describe chains of causality for basic pathophysiologic mechanisms which comprise the pathogenesis of disease.

The class will be divided in half for the laboratory exercises, arbitrarily designated above as Group A and Group B. Each student will spend four hours per week in laboratory; examples of topics in the labs include study of gross and microscopic morphology of basic pathologic processes, examination of bacterial or viral cultures or plaque assays, and study of parasites in tissue and in clinical specimens. The students will have a low stake quiz weekly in the lab exercises called a readiness assessment test (RAT) that will let both the student and faculty evaluate the students knowledge on each topic presented and a final lab practical examination.

Assessment is based on performance in the problem based learning exercises (low stake), on the weekly laboratory quizzes (low stake) and on the mid-term and final examinations (high stake) as well as the final lab practical examination.

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Captured on May the Fourth, 2021