Cardiovascular/Pulmonary: Case 6

Course Information Year 2 Courses: Cardiovascular & Pulmonary

Path Labs






E. Rommel

Weeks 5 & 6

Midterm - End of Week 5

Boards and Beyond - Required

List of Boards and Beyond Videos along with length

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This Week: 69 minutes

Required - Articles


Required - Textbook Assigments

Weekly Objectives

Lung Cancer, Pulmonary Embolism (PE), and Pleural Diseases

Lung Cancer

  1. Describe the anatomic, physiologic, and biochemical alterations associated with lung cancer.
  2. Differentiate physiologic abnormalities associated with pulmonary embolic disease from those associated with obstructive and interstitial lung diseases.
  3. Describe the pharmacology of appropriate anticoagulant approaches for pulmonary emboli.
  4. Identify the factors that predispose to the development of pulmonary embolism.
  5. Diagram the plural space and explain the mechanisms that lead to accumulation of pleural fluid.
  6. List a comprehensive differential diagnosis for lung masses with hemoptysis.
  7. Describe an approach to identify a primary cause for lung masses with hemoptysis.
  8. Correlate chest imaging to pulmonary physiology and anatomy.
  9. Describe shared decision making in clinical situation in which therapeutic objectives are in conflict with one another.
  10. Differentiate among three types of lung cancer with regards to their epidemiology, presentation, natural history, and biology.
  11. Describe a nomenclature for staging lung cancer
  12. Describe general approaches for management of each stage.
  13. Differentiate concepts of operability and resectability.

Pulmonary Embolism

  1. Identify factors associated with increased risk of pulmonary embolism.
  2. Describe primary and secondary diagnostic approaches for pulmonary embolism
  3. Describe the physiologic consequences of large pulmonary emboli on: 
    1. Arterial oxygen tension/saturation
    2. Minute ventilation
    3. Right heart pressure and function
    4. Left heart pressure and function
  4. ​Describe pharmacologic approaches to anticoagulation in pulmonary embolism.
  5. Describe invasive approaches for management of pulmonary embolism.

Pleural Diseases

  1. Describe the effect of pleural filling on lung mechanics.
  2. Describe two major types of pleural effusion and compare the biochemical features and their differential diagnosis.
  3. Differentiate transudative from exudative pleural effusions by objective criteria and common etiologies of each type.
  4. Explain the physiologic consequences of pneumothorax and hydrothorax.
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