Gross Anatomy/Radiology: Week 1

Course Information Year 1 Courses: Gross Anatomy & Radiology: Overview


Connect to Blackboard> SOMy1GAR - Gross Anatomy and Radiology 2019-2020> Assessments> Longitudinal Themes Articles and Quizzes for reading material on 

After completing the reading, take the required quiz.

Anatomy Lectures 1, 2&3, 4

Lecture 1 -  Anterior Chest Wall and Breast
Lecture 2 & 3 -  Pleural Cavity, Lungs, Heart, & Great Vessels
Lecture 4 - Superior and Posterior Mediastinum

In Print (aka no electronic access)

Essential Clinical Anatomy
QS 4 M822e 2015 (Reserve-Core, 2nd floor Library Information Desk)

Anatomy Lecture 5

Lecture 5 - Development of the Heart and Great Vessels


In Print (aka no electronic access)

Langman’s Medical Embryology
QS 604 L284m 2012 (Reserve-Core, 2nd floor Library Information Desk)
[note: Library copy is the 12th ed  from 2012]

Chapter 13 - Cardiovascular System

Radiology Lecture 3 - Pleural Cavity & Lungs, Heart and Mediastinum

Procedure Videos

HTML to Markdown conversion with Turndown by Dom Christie

Captured on May the Fourth, 2021