Gross Anatomy/Radiology: Week 2

Course Information Year 1 Courses: Gross Anatomy & Radiology: Overview

Anatomy Lecture 6, 7, 8

Lecture 6 - Back & Spinal Cord
Lecture 7 - Shoulder & Deltoid
Lecture 8 - Axilla, Brachial Plexus & Arm

In Print (aka no electronic access)

Essential Clinical Anatomy
QS 4 M822e 2015 (Reserve-Core, 2nd floor Library Information Desk)

- Chapter 4 - Back - pages 265-307 - Lecture 6, 7
- Chapter 6 - Upper Limb - pages 397-484 - Lecture 7, 8

Radiology Lecture 4

Imaging of the Spine & MRI Emphasis

Procedure Videos

HTML to Markdown conversion with Turndown by Dom Christie

Captured on May the Fourth, 2021