Practice of Medicine - Year 1: Module 2 - Weeks 4-5

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Course Information Year 1 Courses: Practice of Medicine

Resources for Professional Identity Formation

⚠ This page was originally intended to be a copy of a university syllabus that was available for public download from the links listed at the bottom of this page. Although I had to make slight modifications for style while transferring the content to this website, I made every effort to not touch the content itself. The syllabic content is copyrighted by its authors.

My notes are formatted as blockquotes, like this one, licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0, and © 2021 by Pavel Zhelnov, MD.

Required Readings Small Group Meeting Session #2

Required - PRIOR to Small Group

Have available the FMHx Checklist and Oral Presentation Rating Tool for interview feedback (see Blackboard)

Delve Deeper

HTML to Markdown conversion with Turndown by Dom Christie

Captured on May the Fourth, 2021